Connect 1:Waypoints

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Waypoints from files

Upload a waypoint file via USB onto your Connect one. The recognised formats are

  • CompeGPS
  • GpsDump
  • OziExplorer

all with WGS84 coordinates. When your Connect 1 is connected with a computer via USB, drop the waypoint files into the folder "waypoints" on the Connect 1 drive. On the page route planning you can learn how to generate coordinates for a route and on the page Goto and Routes we show you how to navigate to a waypoint and create a route.

If you have any other file formats, we recommend GpsDump to convert the files into any of the accepted formats.

Entering waypoints manually

In the Prep menu you find the item "Waypoints", tap on it to view the current list of waypoints stored on your Connect 1. The screen appears empty, if no waypoints have been entered yet. You can tap on any of the waypoints in the list to edit them.

To enter a new waypoint tap on the location symbol at the bottom left. You are taken to an entry mask. If you choose "Enter", you can add your coordinates and details manually. We recommend you first pick the "Format" first - this will open a list of format accepted by the Connect 1. To set your current location as a waypoint, tap "GPS". The items to enter are:

  • Name of the waypoint
  • Altitude
  • Coordinates
  • Format
  • Description
  • Connect 1 home screen Prep
  • Entering a new waypoint
  • Enter manually or set current location
  • Keyboard to enter coordinates

Viewing your waypoints

You can view your waypoints by opening the menu Prep > Waypoints. For further details, visit the page Goto and routes.